Grants & Monitoring


Written Standards

In consultation with recipients of Emergency Solutions Grants program funds within the geographic area, Metro Denver CoC is required to establish and consistently follow written standards for providing CoC assistance. At a minimum, these written standards must include:

  1. Policies and procedures for evaluating individuals' and families' eligibility for assistance;

  2. Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible individuals and families will receive transitional housing assistance (these policies must include the emergency transfer priority required under § 578.99(j)(8))3;

  3. Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible individuals and families will receive rapid rehousing assistance (these policies must include the emergency transfer priority required under § 578.99(j)(8));

  4. Standards for determining what percentage or amount of rent each program participant must pay while receiving rapid rehousing assistance;

  5. Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible individuals and families will receive permanent supportive housing assistance (these policies must include the emergency transfer priority required under § 578.99(j)4

In Phase 1 of these Written Standards, we focus on the base program requirements as outlined by HUD in the CoC Interim Rule. Phase 2, the community driven standards, will bring in community input to establish standards based on community feedback and goals. Phase 3 will focus on developing Standard Operating Procedures for all CoC funded programs.

Program Monitoring

For detailed information, please read the MDHI Monitoring Plan.

  • The primary purpose of the Metro Denver Continuum of Care (CoC) is to carry out the responsibilities of a CoC as defined by the CoC Program Interim Rule (24 CFR 578). The Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI) is the board-appointed Collaborative Applicant and HMIS Lead Agency of the CoC. A significant part of these responsibilities is the creation and implementation of a Monitoring Plan for monitoring the performance of recipients and sub-recipients of CoC Program funding. This plan strives to improve outcomes for persons experiencing homelessness who are receiving assistance through these projects and achieve MDHI’s vision for everyone in the Metro Denver region to have a safe, stable place to call home.

    The MDHI CoC must consult with recipients and sub-recipients of CoC and ESG Program funding operating within the boundaries of the CoC (hereafter referred to as ‘grantees’) to establish performance targets, monitor recipient and sub-recipient performance, evaluate outcomes and act against poor performers. The Monitoring Plan will provide the necessary structure to comply with regulatory requirements and advance the Metro Denver CoC’s efforts to end homelessness across the region.

  • Below is a list of the current CoC funded agencies.

    • Boulder County Housing Authority

    • Boulder Housing Partners

    • Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

    • Colorado Division of Housing

    • Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation

    • Family Tree

    • Florence Crittenton

    • Second Chance Center

    • St. Francis Center

    • The Road Called Strate

    • Volunteers of America

    • Westminster Community Foundation

    • Quarterly Monitoring: There will be quarterly monitoring that will focus on program drawdowns, HMIS data quality, narratives on program progress, etc.

    • Program Monitoring: This type of monitoring will generally occur annually.

  • Monitoring results are kept on file for each project by the CoC. Results of monitoring are used to improve project and system performance, contribute data for CoC federal grant applications, and inform CoC funding eligibility and awards at federal, state and regional levels (i.e. CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process).

    Monitoring collectively provides CoCs the opportunity to see performance at a system-level, making it possible to see overall progress toward making homelessness rare, brief and one-time, as well as specific areas where performance improvement can enhance the CoC’s efforts.

  • MDHI will work with the Grantee to set a timeline for monitoring. Any onsite monitoring will be scheduled with advance notice. For any on-site visits, project staff should be ready to provide physical space and internet connection for MDHI staff, have participant files and financial documents (including back-up) readily accessible, and have relevant staff on-site to answer questions. Monitoring will happen over a four-month period:

    • Starting Date:

      • Email Notification of Monitoring sent by MDHI, including what to expect and deadlines for submission of materials.

    • Days 1-45:

      • Points of Contact will be identified.

      • Documents will be requested via the MDHI Monitoring Agency Response Form and deadlines for submission identified.

      • Requested Documents (include, but are not limited to)

        • The recipient/sub-recipient agency contract with HUD, relating to the project

        • Any prior HUD monitoring findings from the past 5 years

        • Financial records prepared for monitoring

        • A sample client intake packet

        • Up to 3 random client files [Encrypted, MDHI will send HMIS Unique Identifiers for files]

        • Appropriate Client file documentation

        • Agency Policies & Procedures

        • Any project policies and procedures (Standard Operating Procedures, etc.)

        • Example Tenant Leases

        • Tenant Selection Plans that document client eligibility, including Background Check Criteria

      • Other Requests of Grantee/Agency (include, but are not limited to)

        • Completed/Up-to-Date HMIS (or comparable database) data entry

        • Familiarization with HUD Exhibits noted on monitoring notification

    • Days 46-75:

      • MDHI Reviews submitted materials and answers questions in CoC Monitoring Tool.

      • MDHI will schedule an on-site meeting with the agency and answer any remaining questions.

      • Once Monitoring is complete MDHI will provide any preliminary findings to the grantee to potentially resolve the findings before the final report.

    • Days 76-100:

      • Grantees will have 15 days to respond to the findings and potentially resolve them.

    • Days 100-115:

  • All grantees are required to prepare and submit quarterly reports to MDHI via the CoC Monitoring email, For CoC programs, we request one quarterly report for each CoC program. We do not require your subrecipients to report separately. Grantees should work with their subrecipients to ensure complete and accurate reporting. The content for quarterly reports is established by the CoC and includes, but is not limited to the following:

    • Grantees will provide:

      • Quarterly reports of eLOCCS drawdowns grantees have submitted to HUD

      • Most recent APR (Annual Performance Report) by program

      • Current average caseload size for program

      • Monitoring narrative on program progress

    • MDHI will pull:

      • HMIS Data Quality Report

      • OneHome ‘Housing Denial Report’ submitted for the quarter and will reach out with any questions/requests

    Please review the Quarterly Report Instructions to understand how we want the data to be submitted and formatted. You can utilize the Quarterly Report Template to ensure full compliance with this request.

    Submission Schedule: Metro Denver CoC Quarterly Reporting Periods

    Please note: Reports and other information should only cover the most recently completed quarter as outlined in the Submission Schedule (see below). MDHI may require additional reports as determined by the MDHI Board of Directors, staff, and Continuum Performance Committee (CPC). Written notification for additional quarterly reporting requirements will be communicated to the agency executive director or their designee no later than thirty days before the start of the reporting period. Information submitted by grantees in quarterly reports will be used as part of the annual NOFO/NOFA review process. It may also be used to determine the monitoring schedule for grantees.

    Grantees/Fiscal Agents are responsible for monitoring subgrantees. If you are a fiscal agent and have questions on how to monitor subrecipients quarterly, please email for further support.

  • If the grantee disagrees with monitoring results, they may complete an appeal, which will be reviewed by CoC staff and the Continuum Performance Committee (CPC). Appeals must be submitted no more than 30 days following receipt of monitoring results. The CoC Monitoring Appeals Form must be included, and the grantee may include other supporting documentation.

    • Appeals will be submitted to the CPC for review. Grantees must continue to abide by any corrective action plan that is in place unless notified in writing by the CoC. Grantees will be notified in writing regarding the results of their appeal within 30-45 days.

    • Regular check-ins will occur until the items identified in the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) are resolved.

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) grant funding supports a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for human habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness.

The CoC Program’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is a community process that requires year-round planning and coordination. MDHI is responsible for submitting the collaborative application to HUD on behalf of seven-county Metro Denver, which brings in nearly $30 million in funding to address homelessness each year.

*There was no 2020 CoC Program Competition. See HUD’s Press release No. 21-017 for details.

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI) is excited to announce the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) Funding, as part of a national initiative by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This funding opportunity aims to encourage creative and effective solutions to prevent and end youth homelessness in the Metro Denver region.

Since receiving $2.58 million in funding last September, our efforts, led by the Young Adult Leadership Committee (YALC), have been focused on ensuring that the mission and vision for these projects authentically represent the needs and aspirations of young people affected by homelessness. Our goal is clear: to build a brighter future where all youth thrive, supported by values of empathy, justice, and harmony.

We are looking for applicants who are deeply committed to youth empowerment, utilizing lived experiences to inform their practices, and eager to collaborate with the YALC and other partner organizations. This is not just a funding opportunity, it's a chance to be part of sustainable solutions and meaningful community engagement in ending youth homelessness.

Additional Guidance

YDHP Request for Proposal (RFP) – view RFP for full instructions

YHDP Request for Proposal (RFP) Scoring Rubric

Metro Denver Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)

Special Activities


Requests for Proposals

Detailed instructions and criteria for submissions can be found in the full RFP document here.

Applicant Timeline

  • Non-binding Letter of Intent due May 10

  • RFP Submissions due to by May 28 at 12 pm

  • Preliminary Funding Notification – Week of June 3

  • Appeals Process – TBD

  • Notification of Final Funding Recommendation – Week of June 10

  • Submission of Final Application to HUD via e-snaps by June 26

  • Grant Agreements executed between recipients and HUD – September 30


Please submit RFP questions to

Questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to

Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)

As of April 1, 2023, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is now the grantor and administrator for ESG grants. Grants are awarded to local governments, service providers, and Continuum of Care (CoC) entities to provide funds for homeless assistance including shelter, essential social services, and operating costs of shelters such as maintenance, insurance and rent; rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention including financial assistance for rent or utilities, in partnership with CoCs; and renovation, rehabilitation, or conversion of buildings for use as an emergency shelter or transitional housing for the homeless

For more information about ESG, please visit DOLA's Emergency Grant Solutions

For other funding information and related programs of the Colorado Division of Housing, please visit the Colorado Division of Housing.

Letter of Support Requests

MDHI receives many requests for letters of support from our partners. To help the MDHI team manage these requests, and to ensure that your request receives timely consideration, please use the following guidelines:

  1. Requests should be received at least five business days before they are needed.

  2. Submit requests to

  3. Your email should include a brief description of your request and your deadline for receiving the letter.

  4. Please provide a draft letter of support.

  5. The draft letter should include a description of how your organization partners with MDHI. (If it is not practical to include that in your letter, please include it in your email.)

  6. Requests will be considered for MDHI CoC members only. If you are not yet a part of the MDHI CoC, please learn how to join here.