2018 NOFA Headquarters


Final Priority Ranking

The MDHI NOFA committee and CoC Board have completed and approved the ranking of the new and renewal housing projects.
2018 CoC Priority Listing

2018 NOFA Timeline

 June 20, 2018


HUD released CoC Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

July 6, 2018
5pm MST


DUE DATE: Letters of intent from organizations (potential applicants) to renew CoC funding and/or apply for new funding. Please use these forms:

  1. New Funding Letter of Intent

  2. Renewal Funding Letter of Intent

July 12, 2018
5pm MST


MDHI Board of Directors votes on recommended scoring tools for new and renewing project applications.

July 13, 2018
10am-11:30am MST


Mandatory HUD CoC Program Workshop for new and renewing applicants. Please RSVP by emailing nofa@mdhi.org.

July 16, 2018
5pm MST


DUE DATE: New and renewing applicants must submit completed Housing First Self-Assessment to MDHI. Please submit the assessment and associated materials to nofa@mdhi.org

August 1, 2018


DUE DATE: Renewing applicants are required to send the following to MDHI: 1) two years (grant years) of Annual Progress Report (APR) data and 2) screenshot(s) (in PDF format) from eLOCCS showing drawdown history of each renewing project. Applicants with just one grant year of data are required to send that data to MDHI. Please email data and drawdown screenshot(s) to nofa@mdhi.org

August 15, 2018
5pm MST


DUE DATE: All project applications are required to be submitted to MDHI in e-snaps.

August 27, 2018
5pm MST


DUE DATE: All CoC RRH grantees are required to submit a signed acknowledgment of the CoC RRH standards to Rebecca Mayer.

 August 30, 2018


MDHI will notify applicants in writing whether their applications will be accepted and ranked on the CoC Priority Listing, rejected, or reduced.

Sept. 6, 2018


MDHI will post draft Consolidated Application for public comment.

 Sept. 13, 2018


MDHI will post all parts of the CoC Consolidated Application  (which are the CoC Application and CoC Priority Listing with all  project applications accepted and ranked, or rejected and the  Project Applications) on its website for public viewing. MDHI Board to review, discuss, and vote on Consolidated Application.

 Sept. 18, 2018


DUE DATE: 2018 MDHI NOFA Application due to HUD

2018 Appeals Process

The preliminary ranking will be posted to the MDHI website on August 30, 2018, after the MDHI NOFA committee has ranked applicant proposals. Projects ranked in Tier 2 or ranked in the bottom five of Tier 1 may request a summary of the project score. Applicants who have specific concerns regarding the review and scoring of their application may file an appeal. 

NOTE: Appeals will only be considered in cases where applicants have concerns specific to the review process and scoring of their application. Appeals specific to the ranking or funding recommendation will not be considered.

All notices of appeal must be based on the information submitted by the application due date. No new or additional information will be considered. Omissions to the application cannot be appealed.

The recommendation of the NOFA Appeal Committee with MDHI Board approval will be final. 


  1. A preliminary ranking of NOFA project proposals will be posted to the MDHI website on August 30, 2018.

  2. All written appeals for applications that are eligible to appeal must be received by 12:00 p.m. MST on September 12, 2018. All notices of appeal must be submitted to MDHI at 711 Park Avenue West, Suite 320, Denver, Colorado, 80205, or emailed to nofa@mdhi.org. It is incumbent upon the agency submitting an appeal to verify that request has been received by the above deadline. The notice of appeal must include a written statement specifying in detail each and every one of the grounds asserted for the appeal. The appeal must be signed by an individual authorized to represent the sponsoring agency (i.e., Executive Director) and must include (highlight and cite) the specific sections of the application on which the appeal is based. The appealing agency must specify facts and evidence sufficient for the Appeal Committee to determine the validity of the appeal. That is, the notice of appeal must have attached the specific areas of the application being appealed and must also clearly explain why the information provided is adequate enough to gain additional points.

  3. MDHI staff, in consultation with the NOFA Appeal Committee, will review and evaluate all notices of appeal and determine whether or not the appeal meets the MDHI appeal policy.

  4. All valid appeals will be read, reviewed, and evaluated by the NOFA Appeals Committee.

  5. NOFA Appeals Committee will deliberate and provide recommendations to MDHI staff and the NOFA committee.

  6. The final funding recommendations will be submitted by the NOFA committee for consideration and approval by the MDHI Board of Directors.

  7. Agencies will receive, in writing, the appeal decision before the HUD CoC NOFA application submission deadline.

Housing First Self-Assessment 

This year, MDHI is requiring new and renewing applicants to complete a Housing First Self-Assessment. This tool will assist housing providers and MDHI to document how closely projects align to the Housing First model and assess and measure a project’s progress in aligning with Housing First best practice standards.

MDHI will send this tool to grantees on June 18th after it is discussed at the semi-annual stakeholder meeting on June 13th. The deadline for completion is Monday, July 16, 2018, at 5pm MST. Please submit the completed self-assessment and related forms to nofa@mdhi.org.

You can access the assessment here: Housing First Self-Assessment Tool.

Note: MDHI is asking each sub-recipient of CoC funding to complete the self-assessment as well. If you are the main grantee, please make sure that your sub-recipients receive the forms and deadline information as well.



If you have questions pertaining to e-snaps technical issues or the FY 2019 CoC Program Competition, submit your questions to the e-snaps Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the e-snaps AAQ portal, select “e-snaps” from the “My question is related to” dropdown list on Step 2 of the question submission process.

If you have questions related to the CoC Program interim rule or a policy-related question, submit your questions to the CoC Program AAQ portal. To submit a question to the CoC AAQ portal, select “CoC: Continuum of Care Program” from the “My question is related to” dropdown list on Step 2 of the question submission process.