Regional Homelessness Updates
We serve Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties
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Recognize a Colleague with a Housing Firsty
Know someone who's doing amazing work in the field of homelessness? Think they deserve a high five accompanied by a pat on the back? Nominate them for one of MDHI's Housing Firsty Awards! We'll be sure to help celebrate them. While we aren't promising any red carpet walks in the near future, we can promise to lift their spirits, send them a handy award (their choice on whether or not to frame it), and share with the world all the unsung heroes out there.
Know someone who's doing amazing work in the field of homelessness? Think they deserve a high five accompanied by a pat on the back? Nominate them for one of MDHI's Housing Firsty Awards! We'll be sure to help celebrate them. While we aren't promising any red carpet walks in the near future, we can promise to lift their spirits, send them a handy award (their choice on whether or not to frame it), and share with the world all the unsung heroes out there.
Fill out this simple form to nominate someone you appreciate today!