Special NOFO for Unsheltered Homelessness
August 12th: Letters of Intent Due
August 19th: Unsheltered Plan Feedback Due
September 16th: Project applications submitted to CoC
September 30th: Feedback due on our region’s Unsheltered Plan
October 5th: CoC notifies project applicants about whether their application will be accepted and ranked, rejected, or reduced
October 18th: CoC posts online all parts of the Special NOFO Consolidated Application for public viewing
October 20th: Submission Deadline
We are excited to announce that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a special Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that includes $365 million in grant funds and housing vouchers to enhance our communities’ capacity to address unsheltered homelessness by connecting vulnerable individuals and families to housing, health care, and supportive services. This will fund up to $13 million in new projects that address unsheltered homelessness across Metro Denver. Read the full HUD Notice.
Special Unsheltered NOFO Webinar - View the Slides (PDF)
On 9/12/2022 MDHI released a draft version of the plan for public comment which can be found here: Metro Denver Unsheltered Plan for Public Comment
Please be sure to read the introductory comments that provide more context.
Who can apply?
All first-time CoC applicants will need to create an account in e-snaps. Please visit the CoC Program Applications and Grants Management System on the HUD Exchange for assistance navigating e-snaps. Current CoC or ESG-funded projects are not eligible to apply for this NOFO.
What projects are eligible?
Permanent Supportive Housing (PH-PSH), Permanent Housing – Rapid Re-housing (PH-RRH), Joint TH and PH-RRH, and Supportive Service Only (Coordinated Entry, Street Outreach, Standalone)
What costs are eligible?
Please read the HUD notice for eligible costs and threshold requirements.
Next steps?
Register to attend our upcoming MDHI webinar hosted on August 4, 2022 from 1-2 pm. You can also help create our Regional Unsheltered Plan by completing this form. Responses are due August 19th.
Where can I find the Metro Denver Plan?
Here is a link to the requirements for the Unsheltered Plan, which accounts for 70 points for this competition. MDHI is working with partners to complete this plan. All submissions should align with these requirements.