HUD Announces Annual NOFO Awards, One New Project Funded
On January 29, HUD announced $3.2 billion in FY 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition Awards to CoC grant recipients in approximately 7,000 local homeless housing and service programs across the U.S. and its territories. The Metro Denver Continuum of Care received $32,836,361. These CoC grants provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, states, and local governments to quickly rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness and provide support while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness. Our community was awarded the following funding:
Brookview - Renewal 2023 - $835,177
CCH Families PSH (Formerly Families Transition Grant) - $5,385,223
CCH MDCHC PSH Project - $8,690,668
Coordinated Entry Metro Denver FY2023 - $555,905
Cornerstone 2023 - $139,291
DOH Consolidated PSH MDHI FY2022 - $8,081,007
FY2023 Back Home RRH - $260,598
FY2023 Bedrock - $634,880
FY2023 Boulder County CoC Rapid Rehousing Program - $850,270
FY2023 Spectrum CoC $929,794
HAWCCO0099L8T032209 - $287,223
HMIS Expansion FY23 - $125,000 HMIS
Metro Denver Renewal FY2023 - $754,810
Housing is Healthcare - $955,985
Irving Street Women's Residence - $286,693
JuanDiegoCO0094L8T032213 - $179,070
Marshall Street Landing - $530,528
Planning_FY23 - $1,491,902
Providence at the Heights - $109,998
PSH Consolidated Project FY2023 - $669,013
Ruth Goebel House - $104,238
Youth Transitions Project CoC $979,088
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