HMIS Annual Refresher Training

We are pleased to announce the release of this year's Annual Refresher Training for all active end users of the Colorado Homeless Management Information System (COHMIS). This training is designed to reinforce the foundational concepts of COHMIS and address areas where HMIS Leads have observed data quality challenges over the past year.

In preparation for Annual Refresher Training, users will not be able to register for HMIS training until after the Annual Refresher Training completion date (Thursday, October 31). This will ensure that there are enough licenses in TalentLMS for each active HMIS user to complete the Annual Refresher Training.

All active end users are required to complete this training by the end of October. Please set aside time to ensure you fulfill this requirement within the designated time frame.

Thank you for your continued dedication to serving our community and for your commitment to maintaining the integrity of our data systems. If you have any questions or need assistance, please submit a ticket to your HMIS Lead agency.

Important Dates

Last day to register new staff for HMIS training: Friday, September 20
Last day to complete HMIS training: Wednesday, September 25

*Progress will be paused for any users who do not complete the HMIS training by this date. Users will be able to resume HMIS training after Thursday, October 31.

Annual Refresher Training Release Date: Tuesday, October 1
Annual Refresher Training Completion Deadline: Thursday, October 31

*HMIS active status will be at risk if the Annual Refresher Training is not completed by the deadline.


  1. How do I enroll in the Annual Refresher Training course?

    • Active HMIS end users will automatically be enrolled in the Annual Refresher Training once the course becomes available.

  2. Do I need to complete the AnnualRefresher Training course if I just completed the HMIS Training course?

    • Yes, all active HMIS end users will be required to complete the course regardless of when you completed the HMIS training course.

  3. Will the Annual Refresher Training deadlines impact my Coordinated Entry course?

    • No, there will be no changes to any progress with the Coordinated Entry course.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email the Help Desk at


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