Give Your Input: Unsheltered Plan & CoC Consolidated Application

Ask 1

Speak to what you're doing to strengthen our Consolidated Application as a region

The Consolidated Application is a part of the Annual CoC NOFO process and strengthens how competitive we are as a region to secure homelessness funding for our CoC. When you fill out this form, you're sharing critical information about the great work happening in our region that we need to have a competitive application. We'd love to have your feedback by 5 pm on September 23. We'll incorporate it into our final plan and post it for review. 

THIS SUBMISSION IS CLOSED! Thanks to all who submitted.


Ask 2

Thank you to the 45 partners who submitted content for our region's Unsheltered Plan

This plan aims to capture the amazing work to end homelessness in our community and is a major component of the Special NOFO for Unsheltered Homelessness. A draft plan is now ready for public comment. We value the feedback of people with lived experience, community partners, and all other stakeholder groups and hope you can add your expertise.

Directions and disclaimers can be found on the Unsheltered Plan, which is where you will leave your comments. We'd appreciate your feedback by 5 pm on September 30th so we can craft the final submission to HUD.

THIS SUBMISSION IS CLOSED! Thanks to all who submitted.


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