Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) grant funding supports a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for human habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness.

The CoC Program’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is a community process that requires year-round planning and coordination. MDHI is responsible for submitting the collaborative application to HUD on behalf of seven-county Metro Denver, which brings in nearly $30 million in funding to address homelessness each year.


Program Monitoring

For detailed information, please read the MDHI CoC and ESG Program Monitoring Plan.

  • The primary purpose of the MDHI Continuum of Care (CoC) is to carry out the responsibilities of a CoC as defined by the CoC Program Interim Rule (24 CFR 578). A significant part of these responsibilities is the creation and implementation of a System Performance Monitoring Plan for monitoring the performance of recipients and sub-recipients of CoC and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funding. This plan strives to improve outcomes for persons experiencing homelessness who are receiving assistance through these projects and achieving MDHI’s vision for everyone in the Metro Denver region to have a safe, stable place to call home.

    The MDHI CoC must consult with recipients and sub-recipients of CoC and ESG Program funding operating within the boundaries of the CoC (hereafter referred to as ‘grantees’) to establish performance targets, monitor recipient and sub-recipient performance, evaluate outcomes and act against poor performers. The System Performance Monitoring Plan will provide the necessary structure to comply with regulatory requirements as well as advance the MDHI CoC’s efforts to end homelessness across the region.

    • 1st Quarter Report: due April 30 (reporting period = January 1–March 31)

    • 2nd Quarter Report: due July 31 (reporting period = April 1–June 30)

    • 3rd Quarter Report: due October 31 (reporting period = July 1–September 30)

    • 4th Quarter Report: due January 31 (reporting period = October 1–December 31)

  • The Quarterly Reporting Instructions were updated on November 7, 2019. We added a clarifying note regarding which document to upload for the ELOCCS drawdown.

    Please email the requested items to if you have problems uploading your documents.

  • A form that grantees may use to appeal monitoring results is in development and will be posted here when available.

Letter of Support Requests

MDHI receives many requests for letters of support from our partners. To help the MDHI team manage these requests, and to ensure that your request receives timely consideration, please use the following guidelines:

  1. Requests should be received at least five business days before they are needed.

  2. Submit requests to

  3. Your email should include a brief description of your request and your deadline for receiving the letter.

  4. Please provide a draft letter of support.

  5. The draft letter should include a description of how your organization partners with MDHI. (If it is not practical to include that in your letter, please include it in your email.)

  6. Requests will be considered for MDHI CoC members only. If you are not yet a part of the MDHI CoC, please learn how to join here.

Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)

As of April 1, 2023, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is now the grantor and administrator for ESG grants. Grants are awarded to local governments, service providers, and Continuum of Care (CoC) entities to provide funds for homeless assistance including shelter, essential social services, and operating costs of shelters such as maintenance, insurance and rent; rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention including financial assistance for rent or utilities, in partnership with CoCs; and renovation, rehabilitation, or conversion of buildings for use as an emergency shelter or transitional housing for the homeless

For more information about ESG, please visit DOLA's Emergency Grant Solutions

For other funding information and related programs of the Colorado Division of Housing, please visit the Colorado Division of Housing.