Boulder Completes Quality Scorecard, on Track for Quality Data

Boulder County is the first of the nine sub-regions to complete a Quality Scorecard for all single adults experiencing homelessness. The Scorecard is a list of questions that provide guidance on how to develop a By-Name List for all homeless, single adults in each sub-region and helps us assess whether the data is of sufficient quality to measure progress toward ending homelessness. This tool was developed by Community Solutions as part of their Built for Zero (BFZ) methodology to end homelessness, which was officially adopted as Metro Denver’s approach to Regional Coordination on homelessness in March 2021.

Each Scorecard consists of 13 questions that ensure each community’s infrastructure has a racially equitable lens and is able to capture everyone experiencing homelessness, beginning with Veterans and single adults. The Boulder team will use this Scorecard to verify ‘Quality Data’ for Veterans using four months of historical data. Boulder continues to stand up its Veteran case conferencing while working on achieving Quality Data for all single adults.

This represents a key step toward achieving a Quality By-Name List for Veterans, enabling teams to account for every person experiencing homelessness in real-time. While Boulder’s work began with Veterans, their Scorecard has expanded to capture all single adults beginning October 2022. These efforts are led by Homeless Solutions for Boulder County (HSBC), the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI), and Community Solutions (CS).


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